Nick Loper helps people earn money outside of their day job. He's an author, online entrepreneur, and host of the award-winning Side Hustle Show podcast, which features new part-time business ideas each week. As Chief Side Hustler at SideHustleNation.com, he loves deconstructing the tactics and strategies behind building extra income streams.

Nick Loper
Published content

expert panel
The way you approach these conversations can set the stage for your whole relationship — for better or worse. Money and finances can be a truly divisive topic, and nowhere is this more true than with romantic partners. With differing spending and saving habits, economic backgrounds, values or beliefs around money, couples may find it difficult to get on the same page when it comes to their finances. In some cases, disagreements around money may even lead couples to break up or divorce. In this way, it’s vital couples have conversations about money early on to set a better foundation for their financial future together. However, ensuring you’re having these conversations the right way — without them turning into arguments — is key to your success. To offer their guidance, 10 financial experts from Kiplinger Advisor Collective each share one piece of advice they’d give to a couple about how to approach money conversations in a better way and work together to accomplish their financial goals.

expert panel
Would you have made different decisions with the knowledge you have now? There’s certainly no shortage of financial advice out there — from family, friends, colleagues, experts and pseudo-experts alike. Some advice is born out of experience while other tips are based on the latest data or trends. Regardless of where it comes from, however, good financial advice at the right time can be critical to how well you succeed with money throughout your life. Unfortunately, good advice can sometimes come later than you’d like it to, which means you sometimes may reflect back, thinking about how your life could be different had you known then what you know now. The financial experts of Kiplinger Advisor Collective are no different, and here, they each discuss the one piece of financial advice they wish someone had given them a long time ago and why.

expert panel
While talks of a recession, mass job layoffs and housing market uncertainty may be making would-be investors timid when it comes to investing in the current economic climate, in any market, there will always be those industries which continue to thrive and innovate despite any obstacles. Driven by cultural and consumer needs and interests, these promising sectors remain ripe for growth and investment. As leaders in the finance and investment community, the members of Kiplinger Advisor Collective have a few thoughts of their own when it comes to promising industries in today’s economy. Here, they share their top sectors for growth and investment—from cybersecurity to energy transition and various industries in between—and why they believe these areas show so much potential.
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Side Hustle Nation
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Side Hustle Nation is the #1 resource for people who want to make more money. The award-winning website and Side Hustle Show podcast cover creative ways to make money online and offline, including blogging, online business, freelancing, marketing, sales funnels, investing, and much more. Join 100,000+ subscribers and get the business ideas and passive income strategies straight to your inbox. No BS, just actionable tips on how to start and grow your side hustle.