For years, Douglas Boneparth has helped his clients negotiate sales of businesses; establish legacies for future generations; purchase homes; pay off debt; and achieve financial independence. But while servicing the needs of a diverse book of business, he noticed a gaping hole in the financial services industry: financial planning and advice for Millennials, his peers. So while everyone else was chasing old money to invest, Douglas started finding people to invest in. Douglas founded Bone Fide Wealth, a firm that provides real money advice to Millennials and young professionals. Servicing student loan debt, attending graduate school, finding creative ways to lead, and launching businesses and brands as side hustles and main hustles–he’s been there. Douglas shares a perspective with his clients that very few financial advisors in the industry can. His financial solutions are as creative as they are targeted for a generation facing new issues that warrant new solutions. Douglas received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Florida and his Master of Business Administration from the NYU Stern School of Business, with concentrations in finance and management. He enjoys playing tennis, keeping his menswear fresh, and of course, making his coffee at home. He also loves being outnumbered by his wife and two daughters, Heather, Hazel, and Ruby.

Douglas Boneparth
Published content

expert panel
While graduating from school is a major milestone in your life, it's not the last big step you'll take in the months ahead. Preparing yourself for your future can take any number of pathways depending on your specific goals. But whether you'll be buying a new car, saving up for a home or delving into the stock market, there are a few key financial steps you can take that will help you achieve success. As noted leaders in the financial space, the members of Kiplinger Advisor Collective recommend taking one or more of the following actions with any money you may have received as a graduation gift. Doing so will help you start adulthood—and your financial future—off on the right foot.
Company details
Bone Fide Wealth, LLC
Company bio
The economic challenges we face are new. The way we approach them must be, as well. Bone Fide Wealth equips our clients with the tools they need to approach today’s reality and succeed. We are not glorified brokers interested only in your account balances and what products we can sell you. We are your: COACH: We help our clients identify their goals and achieve them. COUNSELOR: We address your specific financial situation and guide you through the tough decisions. CONSULTANT: We help improve your career or business with creative financial strategies. CONFIDANT: We go beyond the numbers to make sure you feel confident in your decisions. In other words, we are not your parents’ financial advisor. With a bespoke financial plan and technology that affords you unparalleled access to our firm, you can have full control of your finances and spend more time chasing the great things in life. Let us educate, empower and invest in you. Advisory services offered through Bone Fide Wealth, a Registered Investment Adviser.