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Dana Miranda

author & financial educatorYOU DON'T NEED A BUDGET (Little, Brown Spark 2024)

Wild Rose, WI 54984


Financial Education
Coaching & Mentoring


I’m a Certified Educator in Personal Finance® (CEPF®), author, speaker and personal finance journalist. I write about how capitalism impacts the ways we think, teach and talk about money. I'm the creator of the Healthy Rich newsletter and author of YOU DON'T NEED A BUDGET (Little, Brown Spark 2024).

Published content

Graduating From College? Six Smart Financial Steps to Start Taking Now

expert panel

Getting a head start on your finances can ensure you start adulthood on the best foot possible. Graduating from college is a big step in your life. You have your whole life ahead of you, and you feel empowered to take the world by the reins. There will be many exciting new paths you can take: getting a new job, moving to a new city or state and, for many, maybe even buying your own place. But before you start on this big adventure, it’s important to first begin by getting your finances in order. While not necessarily as exciting or fun as traveling the world, ensuring you start off adulthood with a stable financial footing can help make sure you’re able to fund all these new opportunities coming your way and still have the safety and security you need to lead a successful adult life. If you’re graduating within the next few months — or even within the next year or two — consider the following advice from the financial experts of Kiplinger Advisor Collective to start checking off your financial to-do list and get a head start on living the life you’ve been dreaming of.

Prepare Your Family for the Financial and Legal Aftermath of Your Death

expert panel

Taking these steps now can help ensure your family isn’t overwhelmed with uncertainty later on. The passing of a loved one is an emotional time, and family members are often dealing with their grief in different ways. If left undecided, the many legal and financial choices families have to make after the death of a loved one can be an additional emotional drain on their already overwhelmed minds. Larger families can often suffer an even greater burden as they must make decisions that involve many parties — choices that can sometimes lead to arguments or even major fights. Making end-of-life plans ahead of time can help prevent much of the stress that comes with the financial and legal aftermath of a loved one’s death. Taking the following six steps now, as recommended by the financial experts of Kiplinger Advisor Collective, can help ensure your family is taken care of in the event of your passing and are allowed to grieve without any additional burdens.

12 Steps to Take Now for More Financial Success in 2025

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Why wait until January to get a head start on your goals? As the new year quickly approaches, people are readying their New Year’s resolutions and goals, hopeful for a brighter year and a new-and-improved self. But you don’t have to wait until January to start making a change. There are many steps you can take right now to get ahead on your goals and start 2025 off with a more impactful bang — especially when it comes to your finances. From designing a comprehensive financial game plan to automating your savings and investments, taking these steps now will ensure you set yourself up for success in 2025. For deeper insights into these steps and more, read on to hear from the members of Kiplinger Advisor Collective and their best tips for a prosperous new year.

13 Practical Strategies for Making Homeownership a Reality

expert panel

If your dream of homeownership feels out of reach, these expert-recommended tips can bring you closer to realizing your goal. Decades ago, homeownership was a realistic goal for many people. In recent years, sky-high real estate prices and increased costs of living have made it harder for would-be buyers to envision themselves ever achieving that milestone. Though the path to homeownership can be difficult in today's economy, it's still possible with the right strategies. Here, members of Kiplinger Advisor Collective recommend practical tips for moving the needle on your goal of owning a home.

Eight Tips for Surviving the Holidays and Sticking to Your Financial Goals

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Use these practical strategies to help you navigate seasonal spending in a less stressful way. Amid all the joy and cheer the end of the year brings, the holidays can be a hectic — and expensive — time. Purchasing gifts for loved ones, making travel plans, attending parties and enjoying the multitude of festive celebrations and events that crop up can end up putting a strain on one’s finances and detracting from the positive spirit of the season.  But whether money is a bit tight this year or you are working toward a particular financial goal, you don’t have to sacrifice holiday cheer to stay on track with your spending. Consider implementing one or more of the following tips, as recommended by the financial experts of Kiplinger Advisor Collective, to help you avoid overspending and enjoy this special time with your family and friends.

Parents: Nine Ways to Jump-Start Your Teenager's Financial Future

expert panel

The best financial education starts at home. Every parent wants what’s best for their children, and part of that is ensuring they have a bright financial future. Talking to children about money can start at an early age, but it becomes especially important as they enter their teenage years and begin to take on more adult responsibilities. While every family situation is different, and some may have access to different resources than others, there are always steps you can take to give your teen a jump-start on their financial journey. From helping them understand the ins and outs of basic financial literacy to encouraging them to start their own business, there are a range of ways to help, from the simple to the complex. Consider these nine recommendations from the financial experts of Kiplinger Advisor Collective to help set your teen up for a secure financial future.

Company details

YOU DON'T NEED A BUDGET (Little, Brown Spark 2024)

Company bio

YOU DON'T NEED A BUDGET is a simple, no‑stress guide to managing your money — free of the toxic messages and money shaming baked into traditional personal finance advice.


Financial Education & Literacy

Area of focus

Financial Education & Literacy

Company size

Myself only